Upcoming events.

Tapped-In: A Watercolor and Mindfulness Workshop
Hey, it’s Sarah. In the years I’ve spent both teaching and painting, I’ve come to notice a few things:
1) A lot of people think artistic talent is something you’re born with
2) People like rules and structure and many of us have forgotten how to play
3) We are very quick to say things like “I tried it once and was awful,” “but mine won’t look like yours,” and “I wish I could do that”
I’ve been in disagreement with all of those notions for a very long time now. As kids, we were all so curious to try new things and to do so without fear of making mistakes. We played, we fumbled, we messed up, we tried again, and we did it without any guilt or embarrassment. I know adulthood doesn’t mean to make so many of us so rigid, but it happens anyway. If I could encourage all of us to do one thing, it would be to shift that mindset. Adulthood should remain full of unencumbered curiosity.
So much of my art comes from attempting to tap back into that child-like sense of play and curiosity- knowing that there’s going to be a lot of mess along the way, and I want to encourage others to do the same! My art is my way of unwinding, giving my brain a break, and getting lost in something that feels good. It’s where I recenter and declutter my heart and brain.
This month's focus will be on loosening up and giving yourself the permission slip to experiment, get messy, and let that little kid who used to create without overthinking resurface. We'll explore these ideas through paintings, some light mindfulness, and a smidge of writing (or not, it's your class, you can pick and choose). Drinks and food items will be available for purchase ($7 bloodies and mimosas!). The guided art focus will be skies- a favorite subject of mine- but like always, I'll encourage you to sketch/paint/illustrate/doodle whatever is coming to mind for you that day. Hope to see you there!

Fall Fest 2024
Join us for our fourth annual Fall Fest! This year’s fest will benefit NH Audubon. Join us for beer releases, live music, a craft market, a pup Halloween Costume Contest, and special booths from Nh Audubon, Forever Locked, Native Fish Coalition, and Mary’s Dogs!